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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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408 lines
OpalPaint History
V1.0 Initial release
V1.01 Fixed mutual exclusion of the B3 gadget on the main menu (no
longer stays on).
Paper types no longer turn themselves back on after the smooth
paper gadget has been pressed.
Overscan vertical page size now correct.
Fixed a bug which caused the spare page menu to crash occasionally
when more than 9 pages were open.
V1.1 7/11/92
Added ARexx support, 156 commands.
Added Alpha channel edit mode.
Added Backgound Fixing and Freeing. The backgound can be fixed
by pressing Amiga-b and freed using Amiga-B.
Fixed 'Scale View' keyboard equivalent in feedback area on
main menu.
Now loads HAM8 images. (All Opalvision software now supports
Holding down the ALT key while the extras menu is displayed
now gives the HSV range of all pixels the mouse pointer has gone
over. To determine the HSV tolerance required for an area of the
screen, move the pointer into the desired area, depress and hold
the ALT key then move the pointer around in as much of the
desired area as possible. The final values of H,S and V can then
be used as fill and brush cut tolerances.
Increased speed of the Zap tool 200%-300%. Palette mapped Zap's
have been sped up dramatically.
Added Real time previews for palette mapped drawing modes
(Posterise, Gamma, Contrast, Brilliance).
Most menus are now draggable. To drag a menu you must
click the mouse button within approx. 1cm of the top of the menu.
Some menus containing 24bit graphics cannot be dragged.
Added ADPro Operator interface.
After the gradient fill menu has been entered via the 'Set Fill
Type' gadget in the flood fill menu, it no longers returns back
to the Flood Fill menu.
Removed the occasional screen flash that occured when a flood
fill completed.
Improved the pressure sensitivity to give better control over
the low pressure range when using a pressure sensitive graphics
Changed the 'Cancel' gadget to 'No' in the scale image
Fixed a bug which caused circular brushes to turn into
rectangular brushes when an artist tool was removed.
Brushes can now be picked up off a solid background colour
by using the right mouse button while cutting the brush. OpalPaint
will automatically determine the background colour by analysing
the perimeter where the brush is being cut, and replace the
cut out area with this colour.
Changed compilers from Manx v5 to SAS v6.0. Unfortunately it was
not possible to maintable compatibility will v1.0 drawmodes and
artist tools.
Added 8 editable Gradients. (Instead of just 1).
V1.2 15/12/92
Added FindPixel, FindNextPixel, DisplayStatus and DisplayPercent
ARexx commands.
Added overscan painting.
Now loads brush ALFA chunks correctly.
Turns off Mode Promotion (enabled in Input Control Prefs) while
OpalPaint is running under AmigaDOS 3.0.
FileRequester now displays correctly when called from within an
Artist Tool or Paper Type module.
Added ToolTypes and command line parameters.
PaletteMapped drawing modes now work correctly when a paper type
is active.
RubThrough now works correctly with Zap.
Added Amiga-d key for drawmodes options requesters (internal to modes)
Changed font size gadgets in font requester.
Now searches OpalPaint:Rexx first, then Rexx: for ARexx scripts.
Placing OpalPaint scripts in OpalPaint:Rexx is suggested.
Sending an ARexx command to 'OpalPaint_Rexx' will now de-iconise
Added 'N' key to center the view of the current page horizontally.
(as much as possible)
Fixed Alpha undo clipping when image is larger than the screen.
Rotate ARexx command now works correctly.
Alpha transparency mode did not work correctly with some drawing
modes, now fixed.
Two internal palettes (paint pots) are now stored, one for alpha
paint mode and a second for paint and stencil modes.
Alpha transparency is now a seperate transparency mode. The
TransType ARexx command has been modified to support this.
The format of the command is now:
TransType Type [Trans1 [Trans2 Trans3]]
Where 'Type' can be STANDARD,RGB,HSV or ALPHA.
V1.4 06/01/93
Zap now allocates an undo buffer if possible. If there is not
enough memory, a warning that the operation is not undoable
message is given.
No longer calculates brush outline twice when loading 32bit
brushes (cutouts).
Added 'Invert' gadget to 'Alpha Paint Options' requester.
Added 'N' key to center page horizontally.
Added MarqueeFill, KillMarquee, MagicWand and MagicWandCut
Arexx commands.
Added 'OverscanPaint' ToolType. To disable overscan painting,
add the tooltype 'OverscanPaint=NO'.
Alpha Transparency mode is now exclusive to Gloabl, RGB & HSV,
and has its own 'strength' slider.
Added Balance drawing mode.
V1.5 14/01/93
Again key 'a' now works correctly with marquees.
Hiding and exposing the menu bar while a marquee is active now
works correctly.
Added Amiga-T key for Pressure control options.
Fixed problem in JPEG loader which caused it to very
occasionally corrupt images on loading.
Removed double mouse button option to hide menu bar. This was
very difficult to use and cause problems when using a calcomp
tablet with two buttons.
When executed as an ADPro operator, now returns to ADPro's main
screen instead of the WorkBench if the WorkBench screen was closed
down by OpalPaint.
Added Brush virtual memory.
Pressure inteface rewritten, now supports AmigaDOS 3.0 ExtIntuiMessages
to recieve pressure data, as well as the TriMedia/Commodore equivalent
for AmigaDOS 2.0.
v1.6 12/02/93
Brushing routines rewritten, all brushes are now dynamically scalable
through tablet pressure.
If menu is hidden, mouse pointer now shows percentage done.
MagicWand can now be aborted while searching.
Amiga-s now does a save (no requesters) and Amiga-S is Save As.
AskInt ARexx command now takes a default value. Format is:
AskInt MinInt MaxInt Default HailText
Gradients can now be saved seperately.
Added 'AllowSaves' Rexx command to disable saving. Usage:
AllowSaves [Enable|Disable]
Added -r Cli paramater to allow an ARexx command to be executed
on startup.
Zap now works with gradients and brush fill mode. Zaping and image
with the linear free option will bring up a requester to allow the
gradient angle to be entered.
Now handles NTSC and PAL screen modes a lot better under AmigaDOS 2.0
and greater. OpalPaint can be switched between PAL and NTSC using
the screenmodes preferences editor.
Added AmigaGuide interface for context sensitive online help.
Zapping with a colour mapped drawing mode no longer ignores
transparency, paper types, stencils and gradients.
Added the ability to save and load Stencil,Alpha and Image data
Added loader saver interface (LSI) for external fileformat conversion
v1.7 14/02/93
Handle placement and brushsize now correct when a artisttool is
resized by hand (i.e. 'Z' key)
No longer crashes when 'view full page' is used in alpha paint mode.
No longer crashes when swapping between pages (or loading into a page)
when in alpha paint mode.
Alpha paint slider in palette requester is now in the correct
position after going in and out of overscan mode.
Reversed pressure sensitivity on chalk and pencils.
Added 'ABOUT' tooltype. To stop the about requester appearing,
add the tooltype ABOUT=FALSE or ABOUT=NO to the OpalPaint icon.
Increased the number of ARexx scripts from 10 to 30 by using
the qualifiers 'Amiga', 'Alt' and 'Ctrl' (with F1 to F10).
Now gives a warning message if running on a 68040 and the 68040
FPU emulation library is not installed (68040.library) or if
running on a 68020/30 without a 68881/2 installed . If you get
this message then expect some crashes. NOTE: v36 of the 68040.library
did not inform the system correctly of its presence, if you get
this message and the library is installed, try v37.
v1.8 22/02/93
Help Screen height is now correct in NTSC.
AddNoise and LumaNoise use a different random number generator
to remove patterns caused by a not so random sequence.
OK Gadget in modes menu no longer becomes selected when the
magic wand is used.
Areas can now be removed from the marquee using the magic wand.
If the 'Amiga' key is held down while performing a magic wand fill
using the right mouse button, the selected area will be removed
from the Marquee.
Undo paint mode no longer stays on when the magic wand is activated
using the right mouse button.
Brush feather is now officially added (previous versions had it in
a primitive form which I was using for testing). To feather a brush,
type Amiga-F (thats capital 'F'), and it will ask your for a radius,
the radius will determine how wide the feathered transparent edge
will be.
Removed a bug which caused the menu bar to become trashed when
Rectangular brushes are now outlined correctly.
Fixed stencil display updating problems when jumping in and out of
magnify mode.
Now loads JPEG JFIF images with restart intervals correctly. (such
as those generated by PhotoShop).
When loading and saving image components, the file requester now
tells you what components are being saved and what fileformat is
being used.
v1.9 01/03/93
Added Feather, outline and trim gadgets to Brush manipulation menu.
Added fix and free background gadgets to the spare page menu.
Added 'AskProp' ARexx command, the syntax is:
AskProp Min Max Default Message
This command brings up a requester containing an OK and cancel gadgets
and a proportional (slider) gadget.
'Min' and 'Max' define the range of the slide, 'Default' is the
starting position for the knob, and 'Message' will be displayed in
the requester. Message can contain \n sequences to start new lines.
Added Amiga-j key sequence, this clones the current page and jumps
to that page.
The RestoreSetUp ARexx command now returns and error if the setup
was not saved.
The FileFormat requester now always comes up when saving files,
with the exception of a file update using the amiga-s seqeunce.
This was added because the old method was found to be dangerous
in that if you saved the stencil seperately for example, then
forgot to change the save component options back again, you would
continue to save the stencil only, and not the image data as well.
V2.0 03/03/93
Fixed help text for brush outline and trim gadgets.
Removed occasional screen flash when updating the framebuffer.
No longer looses 300 bytes when exiting.
Gadget positions are now correct when jumping in or out of
overscan mode and in brush cut mode.
Removed a bug which caused the 24bit display to be left on
occassionaly during access to the online help.
v2.1 29/03/93
No longer crashes when loading an IFF stencil plane as an
Alpha channel (ignores the load).
No longer gives a 'File Corrupt' message when loading an IFF
file that contains an alpha channel only.
Overlap clipping on circular brushes now works correctly in
sketch (dotted) mode.
Now loads Grey scale JPEG files.
No longer trashes the workbench display when iconising from an
interlaced image to a DblPAL,DblNTSC or other high scan rate
workbench screen mode.
Zapping with alpha transparency now works correctly when image is
larger than the screen.
Now loads IFF images without a CAMG chunk and greater than 640
pixels wide as overscan.
v2.2 26/07/93
Cleaned up the Loader,Saver interface. Fixed some minor bugs
in the command interface.
Added 'DisplayMode' tooltype to override the PAL/NTSC screenmode
detection. To force opalpaint to run in one mode use either:
Likewise, added cli equivalents, '-n' to force NTSC and '-l' to
force PAL mode.
No longer crashes if the screenmode driver (i.e. PAL or NTSC) is
not available to open the intuiton screen.
No longer crashes if a page with a papertype attached is resized
more than once.
No longer opens on output window on the workbench when ARexx
macros are invoked, error results from ARexx are parsed by
OpalPaint and displayed directly on the OpalPaint screen. This
avoids reopening the Workbench if it was closed down, and avoids
the problem of the workbench screen poping to the front if it was
Added background removal. This is useful for rotoscoping, first
fix the backgound of the image with Amiga-b, then paint over the
top of the original image. Hitting Amiga-k will subtract the fixed
background from the current image leaving only the areas painted
after the background was fixed.
Now switches to overscan when loading an image which is overscan
size vertically but not horizontally.
No longer breaks up the image in hires when picking a colour and
attempting to scroll the display. Removed screen flash when scrolling
and picking a colour.
Added Switcher interface, iconising OpalPaint will now return to the
switcher. The switcher can access the pages directly from OpalPaint's
The 'Click here to Continue' window when OpalPaint is iconised now
adjusts to suit the workbench screen font.